External Cooperation
AEGEE-Academy is always looking forward to new opportunities and considers cooperating with externals as one of the best ways to learn and further develop as an organisation and training body.
Recent Cooperations
European School on Leadership – Boost the Leader in you!
From the 20th – 24th of November 2019, AEGEE-Academy organised the second ES on Leadership, hosted by AEGEE-Delft. The trainers team consisted of 3 AEGEE-Academy trainers, and one trainer from EESTEC (Electrical Engineering Students European Association).
We decided to promote the event in both the AEGEE and EESTEC network and ended up with a mixed group of 13 AEGEE and 5 EESTEC participants. Other than becoming better leaders, participants also learned about each others’ associations and formed strong bonds between them. Even though it wasn’t an ‘official’ cooperation, bringing EESTEC’ers and AEGEEans together was a wonderful experience, one to repeat for sure in the future!
Training our New and Advanced Trainers
Starting with the TNT in Düsseldorf, in the beginning of November 2018, we’ve had a great cooperation with a few professional trainers from AIESEC Germany. This continued also for a simultaneous TNT and TAT which happened in Bamberg in January 2019 and finally with the TNT in Budapest of October 2019.
AEGEE-Academy is a partner organisation of Zero Generation. This means we can send members to their events both as participants and as trainers. Due to this cooperation we are also among the first NGOs to get notified of their Open Calls.
They describe themselves as follows: “Zero Generation is a multidisciplinary team of professional trainers, with European and worldwide NGO experience in leadership, international project management, training and consultancy; with special interests in healthcare, engineering and organisational development.”
Youth Trainers Academy
YTA is an 8-day long training event during which participants learn how to design, plan and deliver a learning experience using Non-formal Education methods. It is basically a Training New Trainers event, its uniqueness being that it is both organized by and for members of different student and youth NGOs. The event is usually held in winter, in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Of the past editions, several AEGEE-Academy members have been connected to YTA either as part of its trainers team, or as participants at the start of their trainers’ journey.
Leadership Summer School
LSS is a 10-day long training event for inspirational youth leaders. Participants learn about and improve different facets of leadership and get a chance to network with many other motivated young leaders from a variety of backgrounds. Through a wide range of training sessions and activities they are challenged to develop themselves and become better leaders.
Since the beginning LSS has had many AEGEEans among its participants. In recent years, AEGEE-Academy trainers have been part of their trainers team, either as trainer or trainer coordinator (2019).
Exchanging Best Practices
AEGEE-Academy, together with several other training bodies of youth & student NGOs, is a part of the YNGO training network. This mainly consists of a mailing list through which representatives of training bodies keep in contact with each other and create occasions to share best practices.
If you want to contact us directly for the purpose of sharing best practices, for cooperating on a training event or other types of cooperation, please don’t hesitate to email us here: board@aegee-academy.org