About Us

AEGEE-Academy is a non-profit organisation specialized in non-formal education. Even though we are registered as an independent NGO in the Netherlands, we are part of AEGEE-Europe (read more about AEGEE-Europe here). AEGEE provides learning opportunities for the development of its members through non-formal education and informal learning. By participating in training courses, workshops, and active involvement in the organisation, our members improve their competences (such as leadership skills, communication skills and team management) which will be helpful for their future lives. Supporting AEGEE’s members to turn their ideas and visions into reality have been results of our work. The main aim of AEGEE-Academy is to develop and strengthen the human resources of AEGEE and to stimulate the motivation of its members. It strives to combine the competences of AEGEE members with the potential AEGEE offers them towards the achievement of the organisations’ aims. AEGEE-Academy supports the personal development of AEGEE members by providing a diversity of training courses and co-ordinating trainers.
How are we organized?
AEGEE-Academy is registered with its own bank account in the Netherlands and with the Dutch chamber of commerce. Our organisation is run by a minimum of three and a maximum of six board members that are elected by the members of the Academy; our trainers. Every year a new board takes up the challenge of running AEGEE-Academy and ensuring awesome trainings sessions are given to students and young professionals all over Europe. These trainings sessions are given by our trainers that come from all over Europe and have been educated in delivering non-formal education on many different topics. Check out our list of training courses to see what it is we do exactly.
Our Mission
The AEGEE-Academy is a group of young, motivated trainers from all over Europe.
We are the official pool of trainers of AEGEE aiming to provide high quality non-formal education training sessions that facilitate the self-development of our trainees. We are specialized in many topics, varying from soft skill workshops to practical training, all focused at the world of non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurship.
Our Aims
Monitor and ensure the quality of trainings within AEGEE
Recruit, educate and mentor new trainers
Keep the Academy visible within in the AEGEE network
Facilitate training tools to the network in the form of training material database, training formats and much more
Ensure good follow-ups after each training event
Keep on rocking our trainings, always!